Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Answers to Your Questions
Date and time of prayer walk?
Oct 2, 2010 from 7:30 am to 9:00 am. After the prayer walk you have the choice to join others at the Golden Corral on Watt for praise and worship, breakfast and sharing of testimonies about the walk.
What are the 9 gates of entrance locations?
The Gates of the City
a. Twin Cities at 99 & 5
b. Causeway/Childs Road
c. Airport
d. Elkhorn at Hwy 70
e. 99 and 70 BloodAlly towards Yuba
f. Antelope at Placer Line
g. Hwy 50 at Scott Road
h. Grantline Sunrise at Hwy 16
We are also encouraging people to pray in their neighborhoods as well. You need not go to a gate entrance unless you choose to. Each gate covers surrounding cites, such as Davis, West Sacramento, Galt, Roseville, Folsom, El Dorado Hills etc.
What's the approximate distance of each of the 9 regions to be covered in the walk?
The walking is by choice of each group. Last year our group did the Scott Road gate and we choose to stand there and pray instead of walking. It was awesome as we prayed we could see the city of Sacramento in the distance. It was a very powerful impact. There is no walking from gate to gate as the distance is too far between each gate.
Are the regions selective or assigned?
When you register, you can select where you want to pray. You will have the following choices, gate, neighborhood/community or capitol grounds.
Is there is a specific website pertaining to the event, that answers the above questions, please forward it's link.
The registration link also provides information about the walk.
Oct 2, 2010 from 7:30 am to 9:00 am. After the prayer walk you have the choice to join others at the Golden Corral on Watt for praise and worship, breakfast and sharing of testimonies about the walk.
What are the 9 gates of entrance locations?
The Gates of the City
a. Twin Cities at 99 & 5
b. Causeway/Childs Road
c. Airport
d. Elkhorn at Hwy 70
e. 99 and 70 BloodAlly towards Yuba
f. Antelope at Placer Line
g. Hwy 50 at Scott Road
h. Grantline Sunrise at Hwy 16
We are also encouraging people to pray in their neighborhoods as well. You need not go to a gate entrance unless you choose to. Each gate covers surrounding cites, such as Davis, West Sacramento, Galt, Roseville, Folsom, El Dorado Hills etc.
What's the approximate distance of each of the 9 regions to be covered in the walk?
The walking is by choice of each group. Last year our group did the Scott Road gate and we choose to stand there and pray instead of walking. It was awesome as we prayed we could see the city of Sacramento in the distance. It was a very powerful impact. There is no walking from gate to gate as the distance is too far between each gate.
Are the regions selective or assigned?
When you register, you can select where you want to pray. You will have the following choices, gate, neighborhood/community or capitol grounds.
Is there is a specific website pertaining to the event, that answers the above questions, please forward it's link.
The registration link also provides information about the walk.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Pray 4 Your Block
How can I pray for my neighbors? Begin by confessing your prayerlessness in this area to God. Ask for His help and wisdom as you commit to intercede for the families on the block or apartment building where you live.
Consider using the word ‘BLESS’ to help you remember five important ways to pray for your neighbors:
B Body – health, protection, strength
L Labor – work, income, security
E Emotional – joy, peace, comfort, inner quiet
S Social – love, marriage, family, friends
S Spiritual – salvation, faith, grace
Consider using the word ‘BLESS’ to help you remember five important ways to pray for your neighbors:
B Body – health, protection, strength
L Labor – work, income, security
E Emotional – joy, peace, comfort, inner quiet
S Social – love, marriage, family, friends
S Spiritual – salvation, faith, grace
Prayer Walking Guide
Purpose: To understand and begin practicing prayer in our lives
To pinpoint geographic locations where God is already active and pray on-site against the strongholds that prevent Him from changing people’s lives
To spot the lost and pray for their salvation
Prayer Walks:
Makes us more aware of what is around us. Numbers13
Helps us distinguish between good and evil
Helps us see prayer needs of the area on a more personal level
Preparation for Prayer Walks:
Reconcile relationships with others
Making certain relationships with God is right
Be open and ask God to give you His heart and eyes for the area
Have a plan before you begin walking:
Turn to the person next to you and discuss when the last time was that you knew someone was praying for you.
How did that make you feel?
Do you feel like the prayer was answered?
On an average day, what do you think about when you walk?
Map out the streets that you plan to walk and have a picture in your mind of the buildings or other objects that are along these streets.
Think of what specific things you can pray for each of these places.
Include praises to God.
Ask that God will use us as initiators of change in this community. Give God praise for the beauty of the community
Think of specific verses of scripture that would be appropriate for the things you know are taking place on a given street.
How do you pray through a scripture verse?
It’s time to hit the streets and PRAY – EXPECT GOD TO UNLEASH HIS POWER AS YOU PRAY!
Divide up into teams to pray
Debrief and talk about what God has shown you
Example of a Prayer Walking How to Guide:
(Taken from Lift L.A. prayer walking guide)
1. Team: Join one or two other believers to pray most effectively.
2. Time: Plan to spend no less than 30 minutes. An hour or more is best. You may choose to prayer-walk any number of days, and pray for any combination of topics listed.
3. Topics: Agree on a theme or a few scriptures that will help focus your praying.
4. Territory: Aim to cover a small area. Government centers, residential areas, markets, churches, embassies, mosques and or villages.
5. Talk about it: Afterwards, talk about your prater-walk. Did God impress you with certain needs, or lead you to further action? Establish plans for further prayer and action.
As you walk, let the…
• Street signs and billboards remind you to pray that people will see and understand the signs of our times, and seek God’s direction for their lives.
• Houses remind you to pray for stable homes built on Christ.
• Cars remind you to pray against materialism and other cares of this world that choke out the Word of God.
• Intersections cause you to pray that God will bring turning points into people’s lives.
• Mosques remind you to pray for the people and work of God; that the church will be a bright light and salty salt to those that serve a false god. Matt. 5:13-16
• Government Buildings prompt you to pray for uprightness and justice in government institutions, agencies, and officials.
• Trees and Plants remind you to pray that people will be rooted and built up in Christ, growing to maturity, and bearing fruit in every good work. Col. 1:10, 2:7
• Gates prompt you to pray for open doorways for the Gospel.
• Pharmacies prompt you to pray that people will seek God and ask Him to reveal Himself to them to heal them from the inside out.
Outing One –
Pray for the churches to be strengthened and revived. “And God put all things in subjection under Christ’s feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church” Eph. 1:22.
The Lord wants to express His authority and redemptive power through the Church. God loves to renew and awaken His people in the fresh vitality of His Spirit.
• Ask God to heal divisions.
• Ask God to let the work He wants to do begin in His people.
• Ask Him to lift His people in holiness, and to move His people into the world in His transforming love. Purity, passion, power, boldness and an understanding of the times are needed in the church.
• Pray especially for pastors to be refreshed in vision, faith, and love for the people they serve.
Outing two –
Pray for God’s greater glory to be revealed in our city. “Our Father who is in heaven, sanctify your name!” Matt. 6:9
• Ask God to reveal and distinguish Himself in honor.
• Pray that He will move in ways that reveal Jesus in the affairs of home, business and government.
• That God will be recognized precisely as he has revealed Himself in Christ.
• That Christ will be encountered, worshipped, honored and exalted.
• As you walk, praise God according to the scriptures for all you know Him to be. He deeply desires all “to come to the knowledge of truth.” I Tim. 2:4
Outing three-
Etc. The above two examples are suggestions that are to be used as a guide if you need one. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that leader of the Prayer Walk Team.
How to Get Started Prayerwalking
• Join with other believers. Join your faith with others to help prayer flow in an engaging conversational style. Large groups sometimes fail to give everyone a chance to participate. Pairs and triplets work best.
• Set aside time. Allowing one or two full hours gives prayerwalkers a good chance to manage preliminaries and follow-up discussions, although much can be done in less time.
• Choose an area. Ask God to guide you. It’s best by far to learn the joys of prayerwalking in unfamiliar neighborhoods. You’ll return quickly to your own neighborhood with fresh vision. Centers of commerce and religion are fascinating, but there’s nothing like touching families, schools and churches in residential areas. Use elevated points to pray over a panorama. Linger at specific sites which seem to be key.
• Pray with insight. Pray for the people you see. As you do, you might find the Spirit of God recalibrating your heart with his own sensitivities. Enhance these responsive insights with research done before hand. Use knowledge of past events and current trends to enrich intercession. Above all, pray Scripture. If you have no clear place to begin praying, select just about any of the biblical prayers and you will find that they almost pray themselves.
• Focus on God. Make God’s promises rather than Satan’s schemes the highlight of your prayer. Your discernment of evil powers may at times exceed God’s specific guidance to engage them in direct combat. Consider the simplicity of first making direct appeal to the throne of God before attempting to pick street fights with demonic powers. Seek a restraining order from heaven upon evil so that God’s empowered people may bring forth God’s intended blessings on the city.
• Regather and report. Share what you have experienced and prayed. Expressing something of your insights and faith will encourage others-as well as yourself. Set plans for further prayerwalking.
• Coordinate efforts. Enlist other praying people to join with friends to cover special areas. Give leadership by forming and mixing prayer bands. Seek to collect written notes recording which areas have been covered and what kinds of prayers have been prayed. Pool your insights to ascertain whether God is prompting a repeated focus on particular areas. Eventually aim to cover your entire town or city, unless God guides otherwise.
Themes for Prayerwalking
Attempt to keep every prayer pertinent to the specific community you pass through. As you do, you will find prayers naturally progress to the nation and to the world.
Use a theme passage of Scripture. Unless God guides you to use another, try 1 Timothy 2:1-10. Many have found it to be a useful launching point for prayerwalking. Verse 8 speaks of the important territorial dimension to prayer connected with God’s desire that all people be saved.
Copy this and other passages in a format easy to read aloud several times during your walk. Each of the following prayer points emerges from this passage.
• Concerning Christ: Proclaim him afresh to be the one Mediator and the ransom for all. Name him Lord of the neighborhood and of the lives you see.
• Concerning leaders: Pray for people responsible in any position of authority-for teachers, police, administrators and parents.
• Concerning peace: Cry out for the godliness and holiness of God’s people increase to substantial peace. Pray for new churches to be established.
• Concerning the truth: Declare openly the bedrock reality that there is one God. Celebrate the faithful revelation of his truth to all peoples through ordinary people I Timothy 2:8. Pray that the eyes of minds would cease to be blinded by Satan so that they could come to knowledge of the truth.
• Concerning the gospel: Praise God for his heart’s desire that all people be saved. Ask that heaven would designate this year as a “proper time” for the testimony of Christ to be given afresh with simple power I Timothy 2:6. Name specific people.
• Concerning the blessing of God: Thanksgivings are to be made on behalf of all people. Give God the explicit thanks he deserves for the goodness he constantly bestows on the homes you pass by. Ask to see the city with his eyes, that you might sense what is good and pleasing in his sight as well as what things grieve him deeply. Ask God to bring forth an enduring spiritual awakening.
• Concerning the church: Ask for healing in relationships, that there be no wrath or dissension among God’s people. Ask that God would make his people, men and women alike, expressive in worship with the substance of radiant, relational holiness. Ask that our worship would be adorned with the confirming power of saints doing good in our communities.
(Excerpted from Prayerwalking by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick, Creation House, 1993)
To pinpoint geographic locations where God is already active and pray on-site against the strongholds that prevent Him from changing people’s lives
To spot the lost and pray for their salvation
Prayer Walks:
Makes us more aware of what is around us. Numbers13
Helps us distinguish between good and evil
Helps us see prayer needs of the area on a more personal level
Preparation for Prayer Walks:
Reconcile relationships with others
Making certain relationships with God is right
Be open and ask God to give you His heart and eyes for the area
Have a plan before you begin walking:
Turn to the person next to you and discuss when the last time was that you knew someone was praying for you.
How did that make you feel?
Do you feel like the prayer was answered?
On an average day, what do you think about when you walk?
Map out the streets that you plan to walk and have a picture in your mind of the buildings or other objects that are along these streets.
Think of what specific things you can pray for each of these places.
Include praises to God.
Ask that God will use us as initiators of change in this community. Give God praise for the beauty of the community
Think of specific verses of scripture that would be appropriate for the things you know are taking place on a given street.
How do you pray through a scripture verse?
It’s time to hit the streets and PRAY – EXPECT GOD TO UNLEASH HIS POWER AS YOU PRAY!
Divide up into teams to pray
Debrief and talk about what God has shown you
Example of a Prayer Walking How to Guide:
(Taken from Lift L.A. prayer walking guide)
1. Team: Join one or two other believers to pray most effectively.
2. Time: Plan to spend no less than 30 minutes. An hour or more is best. You may choose to prayer-walk any number of days, and pray for any combination of topics listed.
3. Topics: Agree on a theme or a few scriptures that will help focus your praying.
4. Territory: Aim to cover a small area. Government centers, residential areas, markets, churches, embassies, mosques and or villages.
5. Talk about it: Afterwards, talk about your prater-walk. Did God impress you with certain needs, or lead you to further action? Establish plans for further prayer and action.
As you walk, let the…
• Street signs and billboards remind you to pray that people will see and understand the signs of our times, and seek God’s direction for their lives.
• Houses remind you to pray for stable homes built on Christ.
• Cars remind you to pray against materialism and other cares of this world that choke out the Word of God.
• Intersections cause you to pray that God will bring turning points into people’s lives.
• Mosques remind you to pray for the people and work of God; that the church will be a bright light and salty salt to those that serve a false god. Matt. 5:13-16
• Government Buildings prompt you to pray for uprightness and justice in government institutions, agencies, and officials.
• Trees and Plants remind you to pray that people will be rooted and built up in Christ, growing to maturity, and bearing fruit in every good work. Col. 1:10, 2:7
• Gates prompt you to pray for open doorways for the Gospel.
• Pharmacies prompt you to pray that people will seek God and ask Him to reveal Himself to them to heal them from the inside out.
Outing One –
Pray for the churches to be strengthened and revived. “And God put all things in subjection under Christ’s feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church” Eph. 1:22.
The Lord wants to express His authority and redemptive power through the Church. God loves to renew and awaken His people in the fresh vitality of His Spirit.
• Ask God to heal divisions.
• Ask God to let the work He wants to do begin in His people.
• Ask Him to lift His people in holiness, and to move His people into the world in His transforming love. Purity, passion, power, boldness and an understanding of the times are needed in the church.
• Pray especially for pastors to be refreshed in vision, faith, and love for the people they serve.
Outing two –
Pray for God’s greater glory to be revealed in our city. “Our Father who is in heaven, sanctify your name!” Matt. 6:9
• Ask God to reveal and distinguish Himself in honor.
• Pray that He will move in ways that reveal Jesus in the affairs of home, business and government.
• That God will be recognized precisely as he has revealed Himself in Christ.
• That Christ will be encountered, worshipped, honored and exalted.
• As you walk, praise God according to the scriptures for all you know Him to be. He deeply desires all “to come to the knowledge of truth.” I Tim. 2:4
Outing three-
Etc. The above two examples are suggestions that are to be used as a guide if you need one. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that leader of the Prayer Walk Team.
How to Get Started Prayerwalking
• Join with other believers. Join your faith with others to help prayer flow in an engaging conversational style. Large groups sometimes fail to give everyone a chance to participate. Pairs and triplets work best.
• Set aside time. Allowing one or two full hours gives prayerwalkers a good chance to manage preliminaries and follow-up discussions, although much can be done in less time.
• Choose an area. Ask God to guide you. It’s best by far to learn the joys of prayerwalking in unfamiliar neighborhoods. You’ll return quickly to your own neighborhood with fresh vision. Centers of commerce and religion are fascinating, but there’s nothing like touching families, schools and churches in residential areas. Use elevated points to pray over a panorama. Linger at specific sites which seem to be key.
• Pray with insight. Pray for the people you see. As you do, you might find the Spirit of God recalibrating your heart with his own sensitivities. Enhance these responsive insights with research done before hand. Use knowledge of past events and current trends to enrich intercession. Above all, pray Scripture. If you have no clear place to begin praying, select just about any of the biblical prayers and you will find that they almost pray themselves.
• Focus on God. Make God’s promises rather than Satan’s schemes the highlight of your prayer. Your discernment of evil powers may at times exceed God’s specific guidance to engage them in direct combat. Consider the simplicity of first making direct appeal to the throne of God before attempting to pick street fights with demonic powers. Seek a restraining order from heaven upon evil so that God’s empowered people may bring forth God’s intended blessings on the city.
• Regather and report. Share what you have experienced and prayed. Expressing something of your insights and faith will encourage others-as well as yourself. Set plans for further prayerwalking.
• Coordinate efforts. Enlist other praying people to join with friends to cover special areas. Give leadership by forming and mixing prayer bands. Seek to collect written notes recording which areas have been covered and what kinds of prayers have been prayed. Pool your insights to ascertain whether God is prompting a repeated focus on particular areas. Eventually aim to cover your entire town or city, unless God guides otherwise.
Themes for Prayerwalking
Attempt to keep every prayer pertinent to the specific community you pass through. As you do, you will find prayers naturally progress to the nation and to the world.
Use a theme passage of Scripture. Unless God guides you to use another, try 1 Timothy 2:1-10. Many have found it to be a useful launching point for prayerwalking. Verse 8 speaks of the important territorial dimension to prayer connected with God’s desire that all people be saved.
Copy this and other passages in a format easy to read aloud several times during your walk. Each of the following prayer points emerges from this passage.
• Concerning Christ: Proclaim him afresh to be the one Mediator and the ransom for all. Name him Lord of the neighborhood and of the lives you see.
• Concerning leaders: Pray for people responsible in any position of authority-for teachers, police, administrators and parents.
• Concerning peace: Cry out for the godliness and holiness of God’s people increase to substantial peace. Pray for new churches to be established.
• Concerning the truth: Declare openly the bedrock reality that there is one God. Celebrate the faithful revelation of his truth to all peoples through ordinary people I Timothy 2:8. Pray that the eyes of minds would cease to be blinded by Satan so that they could come to knowledge of the truth.
• Concerning the gospel: Praise God for his heart’s desire that all people be saved. Ask that heaven would designate this year as a “proper time” for the testimony of Christ to be given afresh with simple power I Timothy 2:6. Name specific people.
• Concerning the blessing of God: Thanksgivings are to be made on behalf of all people. Give God the explicit thanks he deserves for the goodness he constantly bestows on the homes you pass by. Ask to see the city with his eyes, that you might sense what is good and pleasing in his sight as well as what things grieve him deeply. Ask God to bring forth an enduring spiritual awakening.
• Concerning the church: Ask for healing in relationships, that there be no wrath or dissension among God’s people. Ask that God would make his people, men and women alike, expressive in worship with the substance of radiant, relational holiness. Ask that our worship would be adorned with the confirming power of saints doing good in our communities.
(Excerpted from Prayerwalking by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick, Creation House, 1993)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Our Mission Statement
Our vision is to equip, organize and mobilize communities and cites to assemble together in prayer. Lifting up those that are without Christ, our churches, neighbors, families and leaders in our communities. It is our prayer that all will grasp how deep and immeasurable the impact of “remaining steadfast in prayer” is to a lost and hurting world. That through prayer and love for others that restoration would come about in our communities and cities.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Prayer Points for Your City
Please pray each day for one of the prayer points:
Prayer Points
1. Pray that the Holy Sprit will identify the key issues for prayer for your city.
2. Pray for a corporate unity throughout the city. That churches will come together in unity and offer prayer for your city.
3. Pray that the eyes of the spiritual leaders of the state would be enlightened to understand the corporate destiny of your city.
4. Pray that more Houses of Prayer would be established that would trumpet the sound from Heaven that will plunder the camps of the enemy in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
5. Pray that the Hannahs, Esthers, Joshuas, Davids, Deborahs, Jaels and Baraks of your city would arise
6. Pray that new strategies of victory would be released for your city.
7. Pray your Church will have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Lord is saying in this hour and that we will grow in the knowledge of God (Ephesians 1:17-19).
8. Pray for discernment in your Church so that you will be able to understand the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3).
9. Pray for unity in the Church Body of your city (Psalm 133:1, John 17:21).
10. Pray for believers in your city to operate with boldness (1st John 4:17, Ephesians 6:19).
11. Pray for believers in your city to be passionate instead of passive (Rev. 3:14-22).
12. Pray that the Word of God may run swiftly throughout your city (Psalm 147:15).
13. Pray that the Church of your city will not war in the flesh but instead by the Spirit (2 Corinthians 10:3).
14. Pray that the Church in your city will see a release of the miraculous, that they may know the Lord has power to forgive sins (Matthew 9:6, John 17:23).
15. Pray that the Church of your city would be zealous instead of apathetic (Numbers 25:11-13; Titus 2:14).
16. Pray that the Church of your city will fully preach the gospel in word and deed (Romans 15:18).
17. Pray that the plans of the enemy in your city will be exposed (Ephesians 5:11-13; 2nd Kings 6:12; Luke 12:3).
18. Pray that the Lord will be exalted and His glory will be revealed throughout the Church of your city, and that all things that exalt themselves above His name will be brought down (2 Corinthians 10:5).
19. Pray that the Church of your city will not have just have a form of godliness denying the power but rather they will walk in power in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. (2 Timothy 3:5).
20. Pray that His Kingdom will come in your city.
21. Pray that JUSTICE will come forth in your city.
22. Pray that the Healing of the Lord would be poured out over your city, bringing a healing of relationships.
23. Pray that the eyes of any hate groups and religious cults members would be opened to the lies within them and that the Holy Spirit would convict them and granted a Spirit of Repentance.
24. Pray that the spirit of greed and mammon would be broken off of your city
25. Pray that the true revival would take place in the hearts of citizens of your city and that it would be reflected in the churches and that a revival that will change the core of your city will spring up
26. Pray that the pockets of revival would converge to form the banner of the Lord over your city
27. Pray that true worship would break through into the Heavenlies to release the Glory of the Lord over your City.
28. Pray that the prophetic redemptive gift of your city would come to its fullness.
29. Pray that the spirit of poverty will be broken over your city and that mindsets be changed to embrace a new and greater quality. Pray that the spirit of
mistrust be broken over believers in your city and release an increase of faith and trust resulting in a growing confidence in who God is (the Great I AM!).
30. Pray that the spirit of infirmity that has had full reign to kill, rob and destroy, be broken over your city releasing an anointing of healing that will manifest itself in signs, wonders and miracles. Pray for the grace of repentance to rest upon the believers and that healing might come to your land (II Chron. 7:14)
31. Pray that the spirit of religion be destroyed over your city releasing a willingness to embrace His will and ways paving the way for His Body to mature to the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13) and to do greater works than He (John 14:12).
32. Pray that as the prayer networks enlarges, the level of unity will increase connecting the dots (leadership, intercessors and marketplace people).
33. Pray that the cry for justice reach the throne of heaven and that Gods people be found faithful in shouting Restore! (Isa. 42:22)
34. Pray that the Church will embrace the Lords discipline to prepare her for the new wine.
35. Pray for wisdom and understanding.
36. Pray for specific strategies in helping believers in your city to fulfill destiny and that you would have understanding of the times and seasons that you might know what to do. Pray for the return of sons & daughters.
37. Pray that church would realize the urgency of the hour and the opportunity that is available this hour. Pray that faith would rise in your midst to lay hold of that for which you have been apprehended (Phil. 3:12)!
38. Pray for the poverty mindset to be broken off of the people and for a shift to prosperity for Kingdom extension to take place.
39. Pray for open doors for the Gospel and for churches to be formed in your city.
40. Pray for those who are godless and corrupt in the city government to be replaced.
41. Pray for a shift from being a "taking/receiving" city to a "giving/blessing" city.
42. Pray for the art community (music, writing, art, etc.) to shift from glorifying Satan's kingdom to glorifying God's kingdom. 43. Pray for the total destruction of witchcraft and all forms of occult religion.
44. Pray for prayer coordinators in every Christian church in your city to arise.
Prayer Points
1. Pray that the Holy Sprit will identify the key issues for prayer for your city.
2. Pray for a corporate unity throughout the city. That churches will come together in unity and offer prayer for your city.
3. Pray that the eyes of the spiritual leaders of the state would be enlightened to understand the corporate destiny of your city.
4. Pray that more Houses of Prayer would be established that would trumpet the sound from Heaven that will plunder the camps of the enemy in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
5. Pray that the Hannahs, Esthers, Joshuas, Davids, Deborahs, Jaels and Baraks of your city would arise
6. Pray that new strategies of victory would be released for your city.
7. Pray your Church will have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Lord is saying in this hour and that we will grow in the knowledge of God (Ephesians 1:17-19).
8. Pray for discernment in your Church so that you will be able to understand the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3).
9. Pray for unity in the Church Body of your city (Psalm 133:1, John 17:21).
10. Pray for believers in your city to operate with boldness (1st John 4:17, Ephesians 6:19).
11. Pray for believers in your city to be passionate instead of passive (Rev. 3:14-22).
12. Pray that the Word of God may run swiftly throughout your city (Psalm 147:15).
13. Pray that the Church of your city will not war in the flesh but instead by the Spirit (2 Corinthians 10:3).
14. Pray that the Church in your city will see a release of the miraculous, that they may know the Lord has power to forgive sins (Matthew 9:6, John 17:23).
15. Pray that the Church of your city would be zealous instead of apathetic (Numbers 25:11-13; Titus 2:14).
16. Pray that the Church of your city will fully preach the gospel in word and deed (Romans 15:18).
17. Pray that the plans of the enemy in your city will be exposed (Ephesians 5:11-13; 2nd Kings 6:12; Luke 12:3).
18. Pray that the Lord will be exalted and His glory will be revealed throughout the Church of your city, and that all things that exalt themselves above His name will be brought down (2 Corinthians 10:5).
19. Pray that the Church of your city will not have just have a form of godliness denying the power but rather they will walk in power in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. (2 Timothy 3:5).
20. Pray that His Kingdom will come in your city.
21. Pray that JUSTICE will come forth in your city.
22. Pray that the Healing of the Lord would be poured out over your city, bringing a healing of relationships.
23. Pray that the eyes of any hate groups and religious cults members would be opened to the lies within them and that the Holy Spirit would convict them and granted a Spirit of Repentance.
24. Pray that the spirit of greed and mammon would be broken off of your city
25. Pray that the true revival would take place in the hearts of citizens of your city and that it would be reflected in the churches and that a revival that will change the core of your city will spring up
26. Pray that the pockets of revival would converge to form the banner of the Lord over your city
27. Pray that true worship would break through into the Heavenlies to release the Glory of the Lord over your City.
28. Pray that the prophetic redemptive gift of your city would come to its fullness.
29. Pray that the spirit of poverty will be broken over your city and that mindsets be changed to embrace a new and greater quality. Pray that the spirit of
mistrust be broken over believers in your city and release an increase of faith and trust resulting in a growing confidence in who God is (the Great I AM!).
30. Pray that the spirit of infirmity that has had full reign to kill, rob and destroy, be broken over your city releasing an anointing of healing that will manifest itself in signs, wonders and miracles. Pray for the grace of repentance to rest upon the believers and that healing might come to your land (II Chron. 7:14)
31. Pray that the spirit of religion be destroyed over your city releasing a willingness to embrace His will and ways paving the way for His Body to mature to the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13) and to do greater works than He (John 14:12).
32. Pray that as the prayer networks enlarges, the level of unity will increase connecting the dots (leadership, intercessors and marketplace people).
33. Pray that the cry for justice reach the throne of heaven and that Gods people be found faithful in shouting Restore! (Isa. 42:22)
34. Pray that the Church will embrace the Lords discipline to prepare her for the new wine.
35. Pray for wisdom and understanding.
36. Pray for specific strategies in helping believers in your city to fulfill destiny and that you would have understanding of the times and seasons that you might know what to do. Pray for the return of sons & daughters.
37. Pray that church would realize the urgency of the hour and the opportunity that is available this hour. Pray that faith would rise in your midst to lay hold of that for which you have been apprehended (Phil. 3:12)!
38. Pray for the poverty mindset to be broken off of the people and for a shift to prosperity for Kingdom extension to take place.
39. Pray for open doors for the Gospel and for churches to be formed in your city.
40. Pray for those who are godless and corrupt in the city government to be replaced.
41. Pray for a shift from being a "taking/receiving" city to a "giving/blessing" city.
42. Pray for the art community (music, writing, art, etc.) to shift from glorifying Satan's kingdom to glorifying God's kingdom. 43. Pray for the total destruction of witchcraft and all forms of occult religion.
44. Pray for prayer coordinators in every Christian church in your city to arise.
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